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开破车 Kai Po Che迅雷下载
  • 开破车 Kai Po CheBT种子迅雷下载

  • 状态:DVD+HD
  • 导演:Abhishek,Kapoor
  • 主演:Raj  Kumar  Yadav    Amrita  Puri    Sushant  Singh  Rajput    Amit
  • 年份:2013
  • 地区:欧美
  • 热度:加载中分贝
  • 更新:2013/6/30 21:57:17

剧情片 开破车 Kai Po Che下载地址

《开破车 Kai Po Che》剧情介绍

开破车 Kai Po Che是椰子BT网小编为大家收集的一部来自欧美的剧情片,该部电影名叫《开破车 Kai Po Che》是在2013年年拍摄的,并在上映,椰子BT网小编从网上搜集到该片最新的格式是DVD+HD ,这部剧情片是由Abhishek,Kapoor导演执导,由Raj  Kumar  Yadav    Amrita  Puri    Sushant  Singh  Rajput    Amit等明星领衔主演,讲述了It is the story of three friends and is based in the city of Ahmedabad. The plot sees a young boy in... ,具体的剧情小编就不多说了,请给位自己用迅雷下载开破车 Kai Po Che观看吧。
It is the story of three friends and is based in the city of Ahmedabad. The plot sees a young boy in Ahmedabad named Govind dream of starting a business. To accommodate his friends Ishaan (the central character) and Omi"s passion, cricket, they open a cricket goods and training shop. However, each has a different motive: Govind"s goal is to make money; Ishaan Ishaan (the central character) and Omi"s passion, cricket, they open a cricket goods and training shop. However, each has a different motive: Govind"s goal is to make money; Ishaan desires to nurture Ali, a gifted batsman; Omi just wants to be with his friends. The events that transpire against the backdrop of all that occurred in the city during that time, change the lives of each of the friends in very different ways.搜索关键字:开破车 Kai Po Che迅雷下载_开破车 Kai Po CheBT种子_开破车 Kai Po Che种子_开破车 Kai Po CheBT下载就可以找到我们。请记住我们的网址:http://www.yezibt.com/torrent/47718.html。


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3.开破车 Kai Po CheBT种子:搜索到的BT种子复制到迅雷或者百度网盘下载或在线观看就可以。
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